Claim Your Complimentary Digital Smile Makeover
Boost your confidence and appearance with a smile makeover!
- Have you always wanted a perfect smile?
- Do you avoid smiling or hide your smile behind your hands?
- Do you cringe when somebody gets out a camera?
Our exciting new technology allows you to see yourself with a perfect smile before considering any dental treatment.
See Yourself with a Perfect Smile
These examples illustrate how we can digitally replace an embarrassing smile with a perfect smile.
The process and technology is so accurate that the “Real Result” will look
exactly like (or even better) than the digital mockup!
Here’s How It Works
To launch this new service, Dr. Chong is offering 12 complimentary digital smile makeovers.
Simple 4-step process:
- Use the form below to claim your complimentary digital smile makeover.
- Attend a short 20-minute appointment with Dr. Chong where he’ll take a series of 5 photographs.
- Leave it with us while our digital smile designers go to work!
- Return a week later to see your new smile.